Becky Swingle

Giving Back ~ Supporting the Mid-Ohio Food Bank

As part of our commitment to serving Mifflin Township, and to help fight hunger in our community, our employees proudly made a donation in the amount of $2,746 to support the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. Learn more about the Mid-Ohio Food Bank online at or call (614) 277-3663.

Winter Safety Awareness

Winter Safety Awareness Week is a great opportunity for citizens, schools, and businesses to prepare for the potential harsh impacts of winter,” said Governor DeWine.   “Having an emergency plan for your family, practicing the plan, and having an emergency kit at home and in your vehicles will help you be ready for winter weather or […]

Recipe for Turkey Fryer Safety

the image shows a cartoon turkey dressed in a firefighter coat pointing to the safety message to read on for some turkey frying safety tips.

Did you know Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, and the day before Thanksgiving?! Be fire safe in the kitchen: Stand by your pan – don’t leave food cooking unattended, either on the stove or in the oven. Limit kitchen traffic – designate a “Kid Free […]

Fall Private Fire Hydrant Maintenance

Just A Reminder: Private Fire Hydrants on your property are required to be maintained in accordance with Section 507.5 of the 2017 Ohio Fire Code. Private fire hydrants are to be serviced and flushed during the spring/summer months and pumped out before cold weather arrives. The hydrant maintenance shall be performed by a service technician […]


On Saturday, October 26, bring your expired medications to the nearest DEA National Prescription Take Back Day collection site from 10AM to 2PM. The closest Gahanna drop-off will be the parking lot at Kroger Marketplace, 300 S Hamilton Rd. Click on the link to find your closest collection site:

UPDATE: Burn Ban Lifted | Still Prohibited During Daylight Hours

Working in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Ohio’s State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon has issued an order lifting a Ban on Open Burning that was initially ordered on September 6, 2024, in response to extremely dry conditions in much of the state. Outdoor open burning is still prohibited in unincorporated areas […]


Mifflin Township plays a vital role in stormwater awareness, teaming up with multiple agencies, including 16 townships within Franklin County, to ensure that “Only Rain Goes Down the Sewer Drain!” Mifflin’s service department regularly cleans up loose trash and debris found on township streets and vacant properties and checks all storm drains and catch basins […]