Cemetery Pricing


Mifflin Township grave pricing is available for residents and non residents.

Payment must be made by cash or check.

Download the pricing document for a comprehensive listing of costs for graves, niches in one of the two Columbarium, foundations and other related services for burials in Mifflin and Riverside Cemeteries.

Cemetery Price Sheet

Funerals remaining in the cemetery after 12 p.m. on Saturday or after 3 p.m. Monday through Friday will be subject to an additional fee of $100.

columbarium IMGColumbarium

Mifflin Cemetery has a Columbarium available for cremations, which includes nearby seating and landscaping provided by the cemetery.


Mifflin Township requires that a foundation, the same size as the headstone, be installed by the Division of Service. The foundations are installed (generally) April through November, weather permitting. No foundations wider than 14″ are permitted at Mifflin Cemetery. For more details, download the Mifflin and Riverside Cemetery Pricing linked above.

Veteran’s Headstones and Markers

For information on obtaining a marker or headstone to identify a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, please download the Veteran’s Administration information sheet.


Cemetery Office
155 Old Ridenour Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230

(614) 471-4494


Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Service Director, Roger Boggs